Building Project

Welcome to the Home of the Steilacoom Tribe

July 2024 Updates

We have another update to share with you all! We are so thankful for the progress we've seen over the past month, since our last update. Now that the old paint has been removed & the primer has been applied, a unique and beautiful look is emerging!

Many projects are happing simultaneously. Currently, on the tower, the small steeple has been taken down and secured. For the building foundation, significant digging and earth-moving have taken place; along with many smaller, detailed tasks.

We still have a long way to go, and your continued support is greatly appreciated! This project is only phase one of several anticipated phases needed to complete this building project. Here is a link to the donation page, should you like to make a contribution: Click Here. Thank you so much for all of your donations, kind words, thoughts and prayers. We are grateful to everyone who has helped us get this far. Stay tuned for more updates to come! 

Photos provided by Steilacoom Tribal Citizen, Lacie.

Photos on this page are provided by: Steilacoom Tribal Citizens: Sakari, Lacie, and Rebecca.

To stay connected: follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn. Stay tuned to this space for updates as they are available.